Thursday, January 31, 2008

Who is This Hero of Mine?

With the loss of friends and love,

Dawns the brutal darkness,

As I yearn towards the sky above,

Crying out for his intangible embrace.

How I long for him to be here today

How I long to have his protection

As this world I now set out to betray

How I long to know who my hero is

His death came sudden

His death came soon

His death came before

I could ever know him

Why do I idolize this stranger

This man I will never know.

As a child I found refuge in the

Wonder of his magnificent immortality

Now his colors are filling in the blanks

The more I hear of him.

He was not the man I see but

A man I will never know

How I long for him to be here today

How I long for his protection

As this world sets out to betray

My trust.

His death came sudden

His death came soon

His death came before

I could ever meet him

Out in the cold I sit again

But this time with out my hero

With out my friends

And with out a refuge.

I stare out my windshield at the tree above

And I cry, I cry, I cry

Sobbing as the gun lay in my lap

Never before have I gone so far

I’m drowning in my own tears

Sobbing loudly, but no one hears me

No one will pull me out

Allowing me to suffer my…

How I long for anyone to be here today

How I long to have their protection

As this world I now set out to betray

How I long to know who my hero is

My death came sudden

My death came soon

My death came before

You could stop me

Play Therapy

Today Daddy I had to draw death,

and do you know what I drew?

I grasped the black crayon

and with all of my anger I gave

the blank sheet a blanket of black wax.

Today Daddy we discussed my anger,

how do you think she knew about that?

It’s natural she says, I didn’t realize

my hands were around his throat

until the blue surrounded his lips.

Today Daddy I got to write a story,

did you know how much I love writing?

it reminded me of the tiny

story I wrote about you and I;

the one you still keep in your wallet.

Today Daddy I took my new dad

do you know I will never love you less?

I’m so happy he is here

mommy was so lonely

without you there to hold her

Today Daddy I wrote you a letter

do you know why you didn’t receive it?

I was to tie it to a balloon

and send it to heaven

but my counselor wasn’t there.

Dog’s Day

Silent like a creature of the night

Waiting, hungry, crouching


pouncing she flies, air rushing


The cage which served as home


But the protector rushes

Pant, pant, pant

He glares at the predator and warns


She dashes out the window


He scrambles to the catch

Scratch, scrape, thud, SWOOSH

The bird sings in joy


Poetic Irony

A tear damp noose was around her neck as she stood high on an old unsteady chair. She took a moment to consider the situations that led to this moment then took the leap, kicking the chair out from under herself. The loud thud of the chair on the wooden floor sparked her dogs interest as he dashed into the room. Her throat was closing up as she didn’t gasp for air, her eyes held tightly shut, awaiting her death until she heard the sound of breathing in the room with her. She opened her eyes to see her dog, looking up to her hurt. She began to try to breathe, to catch a piece of life again. She pulled at the rope with her hands feeling the rope burn her neck as she frantically kicked and pulled. Cries of fear and horror of what she had just been doing tried to reveal themselves, but got caught only causing more suffering in her strangulation. Finally getting the noose semi loose she took a quick breath, and smiled at her playful pup as he leapt up on her skirt, his claws getting caught in the fabric caused him to yank at her body. “Get down,” she screamed in utter horror, feeling the noose slowly closing around her neck with every tug. At her command the dog quickly dove to the ground, still with her skirt in his paw. A loud snap was heard, as the dog lay under her feet. He looked up at her head hanging oddly against her right shoulder, stuck in a face of fear, her mouth and eyes hanging open wide. Her body hung motionless except for the slow sway from side to side with her feet pointed downward, much like that of a ballerina.

Fall of Commerce Drive

Flights of purple darkness

Fill Austin’s clouded sky

With its chilling finesse,

As ignorant tourists stand by

On the Commerce Bridge

Staring at the legendary bat

Flying towards a distant ridge

Where a dark figure stands, that

Appears to be seeking

His end. The police call

In a man, Colby, creeping

Towards his great fall.

Just as a common man he leads

This state to its own enmity.