Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Benjamin! (Very rough)


I scolded, as his fist

hung high in playful jest.

A whirlwind spiraled us down

As our bodies froze, our minds

Let the curtains rise

The overature began to roar

Just as we kissed,

that kiss,

a day on stage,

that monumental moment when he

when I

we both relied on

That kiss.

That ever so revolutionary kiss.

It blew me back,

as I fell,

I fell into his Love.

The scenes played out

Our quirky love,

Kisses over coffee counters,

Books of letters,

folded so to keep the time;

the script of our souls.

Memories of heat

on blue vinyl seats,

sweat crawling,

bodies sticking

skins craving,

hormones sipping on

intoxicating lips.

The proposal…

A finger label,

a bubble gum ring.

a silver weave…

All shut tight in a red satin box.

In the cool April breeze

We stood in awe.

Rain trickling down our cheeks

We swayed in a sublime sea.

We could not see

Even as she

(my succulent secret)

warned me of it.

The Tower, it loomed above.

A bidding goodbye,

Not forever.

An intermission plays its appropriate role.


With only a moment’s jolt…

his fist frozen in place

his gorgeous icy blue pupils

locked into mine,

he began a sinister smile

as he pointed to his finger,

“Nothing there.”

That smile I will never understand.

To some you speak of love,

To others hate…

While in my heart…

You linger in my thoughts each night,

As I connect the stars in the sky,

upon the highest of hills,

free to feel as I wish...

You still inspire my song.

you are the pace of my walk.

Cherished in my heart,

never my last love

but always my first

never my only love,

but always just as we rehearsed.


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