Thursday, April 12, 2007

San Fernando Cathedral

The Sun’s heat peeked between green leaves
as its shadows danced across our beaming faces
and we walked proud before the old stone fountain
across Main Plaza and into San Fernando Cathedral.

Beyond the cumbrous door we ventured into the
sanctuary of gold gloss. Jesus hung before us,
arms spread upon his cross, and head rested on his chest,
this Messiah appeared to hang in a silent prayer.

The breeze from outside caused the candles
surrounding us along the walls to cavort like a sea
of flames swaying to the rhythm of their own melody.
We lacked in faith, but a hopeful heart closes no doors.

Together we knelt and attempted to light that candle which
had no wick. You remember the one…and we made a prayer,
I prayed for you my friend. I prayed for us. I prayed for Jordan.
I prayed for anyone else whom I held high. I prayed for no more pain,

No more turmoil to disturb our finally perfect waters of friendship.
I cry now to whatever God in that sky that wishes to consistently
curse me with this eternity of permanent lack of affinity.
It is like a void that must constantly haunt me.


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